First Person American is invited to be a presenter at an upcoming AIGA/NY event titled, “MY DOG AND PONY: FRESH BLOOD!” on June 15, 2010.
About the event from the AIGA/NY site:
A whole new crop of younger-techier-faster-stronger grad students are about to be unleashed on the city. What are they thinking? What have they done? What do they know that we don’t know? We’ve rounded up a few of the best and will give them each five minutes to blow your mind with the work that has kept them up late for the past few months: their thesis. But old-school it’s not, because this evening at Galapagos will be a Pecha-Kucha-style whirlwind of talent and taste, laden with potent potential.
We’ll be hearing from MICA, MIT Media Lab, NYU ITP, Parsons Design + Technology, Pratt Comm-D, RISD, SVA MFA Design, SVA D-Crit and Yale. Scott Stowell will moderate this fast-paced frenzy of an evening that you don’t want to miss.
Come, have a drink and learn all about First Person American.