Soo Yun Yun
Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn, NY
When Soo Yun Yun was growing up in Seoul, she loved watching the movie My Own Private Idaho, and fell in love with the notion of one day living in Idaho
(which is ironic, given that the movie has very little to do with the actual state).
Soo Yun sat her parents down and told them she wants to go to Idaho to study English. Armed with a few belongings, a dictionary and a few traditional Korean gifts, she headed to Lewiston, Idaho (a northern Idaho city with a population of 40,000). Leaving Seoul was difficult—it was the first time in that Soo Yun would leave her family, friends and everything familiar to pursue her own path.
Soo Yun talks about her experience with being an exchange student at a host family in Lewiston, Idaho, the isolation she felt during her undergraduate years at Bellhaven College in Jackson Mississipi in 2003, and now, how being a New Yorker now has changed her perspective.
Soo Yun sat her parents down and told them she wants to go to Idaho to study English. Armed with a few belongings, a dictionary and a few traditional Korean gifts, she headed to Lewiston, Idaho (a northern Idaho city with a population of 40,000). Leaving Seoul was difficult—it was the first time in that Soo Yun would leave her family, friends and everything familiar to pursue her own path.
Soo Yun talks about her experience with being an exchange student at a host family in Lewiston, Idaho, the isolation she felt during her undergraduate years at Bellhaven College in Jackson Mississipi in 2003, and now, how being a New Yorker now has changed her perspective.
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My Favorite Korean Food

2. Yangnyeom Dak , Korean fried chicken
3. Chap Ssal Ddeok
4. Jjam-ppong, spicy seafood and vegetable noodles
5. Tang Soo Yook
Favorite Korean Artists

2. Sang Bong Lie, fashion+visual designer
3. Ahn Sang-Soo, master of Korean graphic design
4. Youk Shim Won, illustrator
5. Young Nam Cho, visual artist
Popular Korean Superstitions

2. If you cut your toe nails during night, a rat will eat it up and become human.
3. If you see poop in your dream, good sign. Buy lottery that day.
4. Don't talk about your dream in the morning. It will blow away.
5. If you break dishes during morning, not a good sign.